
BCV is a multifunction ventilator offering non-invasive ventilation, high frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) and cough options to deliver better outcomes and reduced side effects, with no compromise to quality of life.


BCV is a real non-invasive ventilator without the harmful side effects of mask or PPV. Advantages include safe lung recruitment, volume expansion, improved gas exchange, and multifunction capabilities, such as HFCWO and cough options.

Home Care

Our simple-to-use, multifunction interface makes it easy to provide patients with the support, comfort and results they need at home.

BCV for Better Results

By more closely mimicking the natural inspiration and expiration cycles of breathing, Hayek BCV minimizes risks and complications associated with other ventilation methods, leading to significantly better patient outcomes. 

Fewer Hospital Admissions

BCV is proven to reduce admissions to hospitals

Improve Quality of Life

BCV Patients are able to drink, talk, and eat normally while being ventilated.

Reduce Side Effects

BCV is not known to cause Ventilator Associated Pneumonia, pressure sores, or barotrauma, which can be caused by traditional PPV, or mask ventilation


BCV offers complete non-invasive ventilation, high frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO), and assisted cough device, ALL-IN-ONE.

What is BCV?

For Patients

For Clinicians

About BCV

Hayek Medical, a division of United Hayek Industries specializes in the design and manufacture of non-invasive respiratory devices, in a novel method of ventilation known as Biphasic Cuirass Ventilation (BCV). We are the world leader in this unique method of ventilation.
By more closely mimicking the natural inspiration and expiration cycles of breathing, Hayek BCV minimizes risks and complications associated with other ventilation methods, leading to significantly better patient outcomes. BCV has been proven extremely effective in the treatment of a wide variety of patient groups including neuromuscular disorders, COPD, cystic fibrosis, and ARDS patients amongst many others.
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Why Us

Non-Invasive Ventilation
Biphasic Cuirass Ventilation (BCV) provides an efficient and effective method of non-invasive ventilation (NIV), and in many cases, is a real alternative to traditional forms of positive pressure ventilation (PPV), BiPAP®, and IPPV (tracheostomy, intubation).
Simple To Use Cuirass Shell
Our simple-to-use cuirass shell delivers multiple functionalities to patients for the respiratory support they need. A simple concept - One cuirass shell. One device. Multiple respiratory functions.
Multifunction Respiratory Support
By supporting the inspiratory and expiratory phases of breathing, BCV provides a more natural method of ventilation that reduces side effects associated with positive pressure ventilation and helps prevent hospital admissions.
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Our innovation

Non-Invasive, With Minimal Side Effects
With no mask or surgical procedure, BCV reduces prevalence of facial pressure injuries, ventilator associated events (VAE), barotrauma and dislodgement of device.
Better Outcomes
In addition to supporting patient's breathing, BCV has been shown to be invaluable for weaning off of IPPV, increasing cardiac output, and improving volume expansion by aiding in lung recruitment.
Convenience and Flexibility
The simple interface and all-in-one functionality of the Hayek RTX allows for a shorter education period, greater functionality from a single device, and less RVU's devoted to administration of the device.
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Stay Current with Hayek on Our Blog

Learn How BCV is Helping Patients Improve Their Quality of Life

Negative Pressure Ventilation and Pulmonary Vascular Resistance

Negative pressure ventilation (NPV) mimics normal physiological breathing by creating a subatmospheric pressure around the...
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Negative Pressure Ventilation for BPD Management

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a chronic lung condition affecting premature infants who require mechanical ventilation and...
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Endotracheal Intubation Complications and Risks

Understanding Tracheostomy Endotracheal (ET) intubation is a critical procedure for securing the airway in patients...
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Want to Get Started?

Contact us to find out how our team of professionals can get you started with BCV
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